Tuesday 18 November 2014

Cloud storage

The end of memory sticks?

Unlikely, but cloud storage is really handy! Especially for backing things up and being able to access your files on pretty much any device. Currently I have Dropbox, Google drive and iCloud. All of these are accessible on my iPod, I know you can get apps on android phones as well, one would assume that apps are available for various tablets and phones too.

Okay so I'll write what I know about different cloud storage sites, how much free storage you get and what I thought about it when I used it (if I did). These aren't in order of preference or anything. The one I use the most is Google drive, simply because I can make folders and 15GB of free storage is quite a lot. It works seamlessly with my Mac and my iPod and I can access my files really easily online.

1. iCloud - Apple
- 5GB of free storage
- use on Apple devices & via www.icloud.com
- really useful for finding lost apple devices
- useful for synced calendars across Apple devices, backing up contacts and accessing keynote, numbers etc on iPads/iPods/iPhones.

2. Google drive - Google
- up to 15GB of free storage
- use on all devices, app available for use on phones/tablets, available from drive.google.com
- really useful for accessing files on the go, I use google drive for my notes so I can access previous notes in lectures (on my iPod) without lugging around my laptop or loads of paper.
- useful for organisation as different folders can be used, the content can be accessed anywhere with an internet connection and files can be accessed offline
- can be used for file sharing, you can share links to your photos/folders etc
- a folder is created on your computer

3. Dropbox - Independant
-  up to 16GB of free storage (starts at 2GB, + 500MB
per referral), I currently have 3.25GB
- use on all devices, app available for use on phones/tablets, available from dropbox.com
- useful for sharing pictures with friends, can be quite slow to upload though
- a folder is created on your computer

4. Skydrive - Microsoft
- up to 15GB of free storage
- use on all devices, app available for use on phones/tablets, available from skydrive.live.com
- will soon have a name change
- I don't really use this one so I don't have much info for you

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