Sunday 3 November 2013

The Computer files

As I noted in last months lot of posts, I tend to scan my notes in, this means that I quite often have a lot of files on my computer, just like paper notes my online notes need to be kept organised as well so I can find them easily!

I have a lot of folders, but you only need a few to keep your files structured and orderly, this is what I suggest;

   - University
        - Year 1 (I also have Year 2 and 3 set up)
              - Modules (eg PHAR1001, CHEM1603)
                      Practicals (includes data, videos, lab scripts, scans of answers I've written)
                      Diagrams (cropped diagrams from my notes which I used for flash cards)
                      Articles (science advancements, info for essays/reports/lab scripts if needed)
                      Sections (for notes e.g. Section A - Bonding, Section B - Local Anaesthetics)

Currently (as you can see below) I don't have a folder for articles seeing as I don't have any yet, most of the articles I've seen have been online and thus saved to my bookmarks bar.

    The main thing when it comes to organising files is to give things a proper title. Yes, I know that means no more "dlojhgklrn.docx" or "essaydue13thdec.docx" but if you have a proper title then it saves time in the long run, you don't have to look through every document you have saved to find the one you need (although you could do a search for when you created/last edited it).

As far as scanning notes goes, I tend to have a set format for the title, as you can see Section A files start with A, then the title of the lecture and then the lecture number. I'll probably swap the lecture number and section letter around though. These things can be tried, tested and improved on!

Other folders;
I also have a

Work folder - CV, cover letter template, reference addresses/contacts, old work contracts, etc
Finance - which currently has nothing in to be honest
Travel - excel spreadsheets, maps, ideas, etc for travelling, insurance docs,
Other - because I don't like it when files don't have a folder...

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