Thursday 31 October 2013

The Big Guns

Obviously I'm not going to tell you to take guns to University (I mean in the UK you shouldn't have a gun anyway....), no when I speak of "The Big Guns" I mean the big folders, - the Module folders.

Module Folders

 I have 5 currently because I have 5 modules this term, although next term I will have to get another 1 or 2. These are organised much like the Key folders;
In each folder;

- dividers
- plastic wallets in each divider for revision or anything you don't want to hole punch
- introduction lecture at the very front with key dates, deadlines and instructions
- practicals are kept at the back in independent plastic wallets -> this is not an area I currently feel comfortable about, I'm still looking at a better way to organise these!

Each module splits (luckily for me) their course into sections, and each section covers a different topic. This is really great because each topic gets its own section in the module folder. All the notes from each lecture are stapled together so you know what happened in each one. I'll be writing more about organising your notes later.

Where you keep these folders

  They need to be easily accessibly so I have mine on a shelf above my desk where I can reach up (when I'm still sitting at the desk) and grab one incase I need to look through my notes.

Some snaps of my folders;

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