Thursday 31 October 2013

The Stationery

I'm sure many people will agree that stationery shopping is one of the best things. Ever.

So I have a list of stationery/handy small items that I use at University and why/what I use them for so you can decide whether you need it in your life (obviously I'm going to skip pens, pencils, rubber, sharpener, ruler and calculator).

1. Hole punch - useful for filing
2. Stapler - good for stapling notes, essays, labs together etc.
3. Sellotape - I think I've used this once so far, I do have it but I can't give you a good reason why
4. Glue (Pritt stick) - this is really useful for me, sticking graphs in books, sticking plain paper onto lined paper because I like detailed diagrams to be drawn on plain paper, sticking diagrams to revision cards.
5. Revision cards - useful for quick notes to yourself, bookmarks for books and of course REVISION
6. Highlighters - I am more of a colouring pencil kind of person, but its good for highlighting important phrases, you must never highlight a whole text, it defeats the point of a highlighter. Really you shouldn't highlight more than 2-3 words in a sentence or 2-3 lines in a paragraph, just focus on the key ideas.
7. Labels - useful for labelling things shockingly, good for folders, work, plastic wallets, stuff thats yours
9. Sharpie - seriously get one, good for labelling milk in the fridge if you're weird, labelling folders, plastic wallets, writing on some* surfaces (yes it may say permanent, but there is little that can't be removed with a bit of acetone) (which in case you weren't aware is a key chemical in nail varnish remover).
10. Pins - for the pin board you will inevitably have, I keep my rubber, sharpener and memory stick on my pin board using stick out pins.
11. Blue tac/white tac - check the rules of where you're living, but you can usually get away with white tac, you can sometimes use it on pin boards as well, which frees up the pins.
12. Command hooks - used in my room to hang bunting and jewellery on the walls, so less drawer space is needed, can be used in the kitchen for certain utensils, I also used them to hang up my fairy lights.

*if you're daring enough to write on something with a sharpie make sure its not a desk, the acetone in nail varnish remover isn't highly concentrated and is flammable, so you shouldn't rely on it too much to remove your drunken antics. However if you're writing on laminated paper or whiteboards, even some tiles then nail varnish remover should get it off for you, with a little scrubbing. Also obviously I'm not responsible for any idiotic things you do in your spare time.

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