Thursday 31 October 2013

The Timetable

Hopefully your University is incredibly organised and provides you with a very comprehensible, easy to understand timetable. Mine, I despair to admit, does not*. This prompted me to make my own, which I'm really rather happy with. A picture of one of the weeks in my timetable will be posted here.

1. Create a table in Word, 10 Columns, 6 Rows (8 if you include Sat/Sun)
2. Split the columns into timings. I went for hourly from 9am until 6pm 
3. Split the rows into days - just the day (not the date)
4. Add a "Week:" option down the bottom. 
5. Add in, electronically, all of the lectures that happen at specific times every single week. Anything that happens every 2 weeks, or irregularly shouldn't be added at this stage. 
6. Print it. Print enough copies to have one per week for the first term at least. 

Now, the boring part; 
Add in - 
1. Practicals (unless they're every single week on the same day at the same time
2. Deadlines
3. Tutorials 
4. Sports activities/hobbies
5. Personal events - booked holidays, trips home, parties you've agreed to 
6. Exams/tests 

Now the "fun" part; 
Add a colour scheme, with different indications for each time of event listed above. For mine I have - 
- Full, block line = lecture 
- Dash line = practical 
- Just the corners = tutorial 
- Lines going across the box = exam/test
- Lines going across the box with grey and a dashed border - deadline 
- Cross through it - cancelled 

I should also mention that each module has a different colour 
PHOL - green, CHEM - red, PHAR - orange, BIOC - blue, personal - pink

Do this for every week, if you know where the lecture is going to be then write it in, if you're like me and your university has a tendency to change locations then just leave it blank. 

*Well they do, but its not very good, rather confusing and includes lots of irrelevant stuff. 

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