Thursday 31 October 2013

The Key folders

  In my life I have some very important folders, aptly named "The to and from folder", "The wallet holder folder" and "The everything else folder". This all started in Year 12 at school when I used a folder and a refill pad to take to school for notes, I named this folder "The everything else folder" because it contained everything I thought I might need for school. Now I've moved on to university, I revamped my folder and gave it some friends.
  So, let me take you through whats in the folders;

1. The to and from folder

This is the folder I take to University with me, I keep it in my bag and have sections for different notes. - Inside cover; name and email address for contact in case the folder gets lost

- contents page for your modules
- dividers for each module
- in each division - plastic wallet and a timetable for that module (if theres one available)
- at the back; resources! - coloured card, white plain paper, graph paper (important if you do science or maths), and a refill pad

After each day, the notes I've accumulated get taken out of the folder and put in to my in/out draw on my desk. That way if the folder goes missing the maximum amount of notes you've lost is one days worth. Also this keeps the folder light for carrying it to and from Uni.

2. The wallet holder folder 

This folder literally just contains plastic wallets to clip into other folders, I have nice ones at the front and scratchy feeling ones at the back. I also have A5 sized wallets because these are good for revision cards.

3. The everything else folder 

This contains everything else. Everything you could need;
- dividers
- coloured paper (A4)
- coloured card (A4)
- white card (A4)
- white plain paper (A4)
- graph paper (A4)
- labels
Some of these have holes in and are placed straight into the folder, others are kept in wallets.

Thats it for the organisation folders!

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