Thursday 31 October 2013

The Un-filed

So todays topic is filing the un-filed, I have two main areas of un-filed paperwork - one is the in drawer for notes to be written up properly, read through, scanned and then put into my module folders, the other is two magazine style holders with un-filed paperwork - so anything that needs to be filed but I'm either too lazy, tired or busy to file straight away e.g. letters, bank statements, flyers etc. I also have a magazine style holder for filed paperwork - so I have plastic folders in there.

I'll go through these folders - you should definitely consider getting these;
1. Exam certificates - inc. A levels, drivers licence etc
2. Student finance and student banking
3. Preparing for university inc. Accommodation (so accommodation contracts, pre-uni reading etc)
4. Work - work contracts, P45/6, payslips etc
5. CV - just my CV, ready to put in my bag for handing out to potential employers
I also have my Passport, passport sized photos of me, NI card etc in this holder.

Even if you don't have these folders, in this filing system you need to have a place for your important information.

Every couple of weeks I go through the un-filed paperwork and decide where it should go, the bin is always an option (although bank info should be ripped up into tiny tiny pieces first) and as our commenter says, make sure that addresses and names )basically personal information) is crossed out or ripped out.

1 comment:

  1. And, as boring as it sounds, any personal information such as name and address should be ripped off letters address to you and destroyed as well.
