Thursday 31 October 2013

The Bedside Bowl & Bag

Next to my bed (on a bedside table whenever possible) I have a bowl, a very important bowl because this is where I put the small things that I need for the day ahead. My phone and iPod are always on charge so they aren't in the bowl, but the other items include;

1. Keys
2. Swipe card for my accommodation
3. University ID card
4. Hair pins & hairbands - which I wear on my wrist every day
5. Any reminders of things to remember to do that day

    There are two main benefits to this bowl existing, the first is that every morning I know exactly where everything I need is for the day ahead, I never have to rummage in my bag, or worry about leaving my keys behind. The second is that I can quickly grab these items in the event of a fire alarm sounding. If its a drill, I'll need my keys and swipe card to get back into my flat. Oh and a third benefit is that if you oversleep you can just grab and go.

    I also keep a bag prepared for each day, there are certain things I ALWAYS keep in there (every season, every weather type, every day).

1. Plasters - including a few blister plasters
2. Brolly!! (really important if you live in the UK)
3. Pen
4. Some form of paper - receipt, note pad, sticky notes, basically anything you can write on
5. headphones - they just stay in a small pocket
6. Hair pins/hair band
7. Spare bag (one of those tiny fold up shopping bag ones) - incase the bag breaks, for shopping etc

Once we're into April (until ~ Sept 1st) I also carry suncream with me (I burn horrifically, so if you're normal skinned I'd say around May/June). Between about March and October I carry sunglasses. From about November until April I also carry gloves.

When it comes to term time, thats where "The To and From folder" lives.


  1. Wow. Someone even more organised than I am. The only thing I do differently is I have multiple shopping bags in my bag and I also have a disposable raincoat (in case my umbrella breaks or if the weather is atrocious). I also don't own any hair pins & hairbands.

  2. Thats a good idea, multiple shopping bags, though I don't tend to have enough room after all the other stuff -perhaps I should look into a better (and larger) backpack. As for the raincoat, I tend to take mine with me when the weather looks like its going to pelt it down :) got to love having to prepare for the weather!
